Reports and Analysis

Reports and Analysis

VIIEW on EU ETS 2050: “Exploring synergies between the EU ETS and other EU climate policy measures – carbon removal, hydrogen, and sectoral transport policy” (April 2024) 




VIIEW on EU ETS 2050: Nowe sektory w EU ETS
w kontekście neutralności klimatycznej UE w 2050 – Skutki dla Polski
” (June 2023) 



VIIEW on EU ETS 2050: “Changing the scope of the EU ETS” (April 2023) 



Poland net-zero 2050. Transformation of the Polish and EU Energy Sector until 2050. (June 2022) 




Poland net-zero 2050. The role of Public Transport in the context of the “Fit for 55” package to 2050. (June 2022) 




Poland net-zero 2050. Selected instruments for climate policy implementation in Agricultural Sector in the 2050 perspective. (June 2022)




“How to compute the cost for workers within the “Just Transition” to a low-carbon future?” (April 2022)



„Reform of the market stability reserve (MSR) in the “Fit for 55” package“ (January 2022)



„Polska net-zero 2050. Podręcznik Transformacji Energetycznej dla Samorządów.” (październik 2021)



  • The survey related to the publication of the “Podręcznik Transformacji Energetycznej dla Samorządów” is available below: 
    Ankieta LIFE Climate CAKE PL


„Poland net-zero 2050: The roadmap toward achievement of the EU climate policy goals in Poland by 2050“ (July 2021)




“CO2 emission reduction paths in the transport sector in Poland in the context of the European Green Deal” (October 2020)





“The effects of the implementation of the Border Tax Adjustment in the context of more stringent EU climate policy until 2030” (September 2020)





“Assessing climate policy impacts in Poland’s agriculture. Options overview” (July 2020)





The European Green Deal impact on the GHG’s emission reduction target for 2030 and on the EUA prices” (March 2020)





“Scenarios of low-emission energy sector for Poland and the EU until 2050” (October 2019)





“CO2 emissions reduction potential on transport sector in Poland and the UE until 2050” (October 2019)





“The risk of Carbon Leakage in the context of increasing the EU greenhouse gas emission reduction target” (June 2019)





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