Webinar: possibilities of using the EPICA agriculture sector model

Webinar: possibilities of using the EPICA agriculture sector model

On June 4, 2020, a LIFE Climate CAKE PL webinar was held to demonstrate the possibilities of using the EPICA agriculture sector model to analyze the effects of climate policy in this sector. Presenting the results of the analysis carried out by CAKE experts was an opportunity to discuss and share suggestions from the participants of the meeting regarding research topics and areas that subsequent analyzes would cover.


At the beginning the assumptions and analytical capabilities of the EPICA agriculture sector model were presented – i.e. model scope, analytical scenarios, preliminary modeling results and subsequent planned tasks (including model development). The  agriculture sector model – EPICA (Evaluation of Policy Impacts – Climate and Agriculture), carried out as part of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project, aims to examine the scale of changes in the agriculture sector resulting from the implementation of climate policy instruments. The model covers Poland and analyzes 17 plant and 6 animal activities.


As a results of the analysis, the possibilities of the EPICA model were presented: determining the effects of reducing GHG emissions in the agricultural sector (e.g. impact on the value of commodity production, farmers’ income, prices of agricultural products) or showing the effects (impact on emissions) of introducing some fiscal instruments (e.g. introduction of emission charges) and changes in the approach to the production method (e.g. greater intensification).


The presentation was followed by a discussion in which it was proposed that the model should also include the latest European Commission Farm to fork strategy, which could help state administration make the most optimal decisions in this aspect.


At the end of the meeting, it was announced that the first analysis of the agriculture sector based on the EPICA model, will be published soon on the LIFE Climate CAKE PL website, where results and conclusions will be presented more broadly.


The presentation from the webinar is available below:

  CAKE_Model_EPICA_CAKE_webinar_4_06_2020.pdf (1.8 MiB, 559 hits)



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