Side event concerning the risk of “carbon leakage” on COP24

Side event concerning the risk of “carbon leakage” on COP24

We kindly invite you to side event IOŚ – PIB / KOBiZE at COP24:   “The risk of carbon leakage in the context of the higher ambition and increase of the EU greenhouse gas emission reduction target”.


It is organized as a part of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project.

Date: 10th December 2018 /17:30 – 18:30,

Location: Polish pavilion. 


Side Event is organized as a part of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project which is co-financed by the EULIFE Programme and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Poland. Full project name: “The System of providing and disseminating information in order to support the strategic implementation of climate policy”



  • Robert Jeszke – Head of Strategy,  Analysis and Auction Unit,  The Institute Of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute (IOŚ-PIB)/The National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBiZE), LIFE Climate CAKE PL Project Coordinator
  • Maciej Pyrka, Deputy Head of Strategy, Analysis and Auction Unit, IOŚ-PIB/KOBiZE, Expert in CGE modeling
  • Jan Gąska, Expert Expert in CGE modeling, LIFE Climate CAKE PL
  • Marian Mraz Expert in CGE and agriculture modeling, LIFE Climate CAKE PL


The EU consistently maintains a high level of ambition in the field of climate policy. European Council of October 2014 made a commitment to reduce the overall greenhouse gas emissions of the European Union by at least 40% below 1990 levels by 2030. Recently there were some opinions supporting the need to further increase the level of ambition of the EU and raise the emission reduction target to 45%. These proposals would further cause the already existing diversification of emission costs incurred by business entities in member states and outside the EU. As a consequence, the risk of carbon leakage, i.e. the transfer of carbon-intensive business outside of the EU, increases,. This is a significant challenge of climate policy, which must be considered in boosting the climate policy ambition level.


Modelling results will be demonstrated and discussed, presenting the potential scale of carbon leakage in various scenarios of EU climate policy as well as the most risk-exposed sectors in the EU ETS. Seminar participants will face the questions concerning the effects of different policy, the need for worldwide coordinated action, transitional instruments that reduce the risk of carbon leakage and the economy sensitivity to the climate policy measures.


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